Pilates For Horse Riders – Rachel and Tinkerbell tell how Pilates helped maintain rhythm

What are the benefits of Pilates For Horse Riders?

I bought my horse just over 2 years ago and went from riding once a week in a riding lesson, to riding 5 or 6 days on my own. I had completely underestimated how hard it would be to make that transition! This is an example of the benefits of Pilates for horse riders.

Part of my problem is that I am naturally hollow backed, and over the first year this started to impact my horse TinkerBell (Tinks), who also became hollow backed. It also meant that I started to suffer with lower back pain for the last couple of years, because of riding with an arched back, but I soldiered on without finding the route cause of my problem. Over the first year, Tinks started dragging her hind legs, rather than engaging her core and bringing them underneath her belly to support our combined weight properly.

Apparently it is common for horses to mimic their riders alignment, as our bodies do influence theirs. This was something I was not aware of.

Since starting Pilates, my riding instructor immediately noticed a difference. Over the last few months I have learned to stabilise my core through Pilates, which has improved my alignment and posture in the saddle. As my stability improved, Tinks was able to move more freely with confidence. She no longer felt like she was carrying around a loose rucksack on her back as I was able to engage my lower abdominals and match her movement. Your classes have taught me Body Awareness, Balance and better breathing. I am able to use my legs independently of my seat, and able to give clear aids to the horse with one part of my body, be that my hands or my legs, without collapsing everywhere else or forgetting to breathe! It has given me the confidence to start jumping at the age of 45! We have gone from strength to strength, literally and metaphorically speaking. She is able to also engage her core, bring her back legs underneath her, which is crucial for take-off! Cath, my instructor said she cannot believe the difference in my riding now. That is why I cannot recommend Pilates for horse riders enough.

We’ve gone from hopping over poles on the ground to gage our balance, to jumping smaller crossed poles, then bigger jumps and now doubles! We are able to jump a whole course now maintaining rhythm, breathing and balance, so thank you!

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